Newest Leg Ulcer Treatments!

How To Keep Your Ulcers Healed!
Its This Easy!

Ok so now you have healed your ulcers!   What do you do next?  MY current surgeon asked me on my annual visit after telling me I was his longest term patient "Ron How do You keep your ankles and legs from swelling?".  This is how I do it!
1.  Find a good Vascular Surgeon.
2.  If you have an open Ulcer he may want to close it first so use compression stockings and targeted compression (foam) to heal it.
3.  Get hidden varicose veins closed by Sclerotherapy.
4.  You usually can feel ulcers coming so target those areas with compression (foam).
5.  Always use compression stockings and targeted compression wearever you get swelling (evpecially around the ankles.
6.  Have yearly checkups!

Put on Your Foam and Compression Stockings on Before getting out of bed!

When your legs are raised in bed you may want to take your leg items off at night to relax the compression.  Easily slip both socks off with the foam inside.  Then in the morning slip them back on.  Then when you wake before getting up,  slide the socks back on with the foam in them and then the compression socks.  I use a special slippery sock sleeve and special rubber grip gloves to make it easier!  

Use Foam to support the area prone to Ulceration

Compression is the key.  You want to apply compression to both your legs and the foam.  You do not want to much compression that cuts off your blood flow and you don't want to little so the ulcer doesn't heal.  I use a firm medical grade latex foam that compresses very nicely.  Memory foam and polyurethane didn't seem to work very well if at all.  If you make a donation I will send you the same foam I use for free!


Ulcers are caused by varicose veins (usually deep and hidden that you need ultra sound and a dopler to find them) that stretch until they leak plasma.  The Best way to treat venous reflux is by closing these veins off and restoring better circulation.  The Legs will create new veins through time to replace any that have been closed off.